Crown Prince Naruhito, 58 years old birthday.
(Who is a girl sitting on the right?)
Every year, it is filmed in the same soundproof room.
Every year, similar clothes and similar poses ...
However, Aiko is different every year.
Or, She has a disorder called anorexia nervosa?
Or, She has a disorder called anorexia nervosa?
add. latest photos( 21 / 7 / 2018 )
She cut a forelock?
This is the same day.

Please compare.
23 / 12 / 2016
22 / 3 / 2017
She cut a forelock?
This is the same day.

Please compare.
23 / 12 / 2016
22 / 3 / 2017
Do these three people look like the same person?
She is a real "Princess Aiko".
"She is very excellent" the weekly magazine advertises.
However, she is the princess who has hardly talked at a public place.
Empress Michiko seems to want to make Princess Aiko,
the daughter of the Crown Prince, into the future Emperor.
For that, she is manipulating every information.
Because the present Emperor abdicates the throne
before his death (an unconstitutional act),
before his death (an unconstitutional act),
Crown Prince Naruhito who continues to deceive the Japanese people
21 / 8 / 2018
At the Tokyo station where the Crown Prince family came back from a rest.
Although Crown Princess Masako rarely does official duties, she takes a rest on several occasions annually, in an exclusive resort for the Imperial Family.
As if she found something interesting among the onlookers,
she was laughing loudly while swinging her arms.
At the Tokyo station where the Crown Prince family came back from a rest.
Although Crown Princess Masako rarely does official duties, she takes a rest on several occasions annually, in an exclusive resort for the Imperial Family.
As if she found something interesting among the onlookers,
she was laughing loudly while swinging her arms.
I can not believe that she can assume the Empress' heavy responsibility.
She is not fit for that position.
It is too heavy for her.
The current Empress is effectively the Emperor.
He is a marionette of Empress Michiko.
Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako, who can not do Shinto rituals
for physical, spiritual or religious reasons.

7 / 31 / 2018 ( the latest photo)

souka gakkai
A matter of the engagement postponement of Princess Mako.
First of all, I was relieved.
The Japanese people hopes that Princess Mako does not marry him (Kei Komuro).
I am sorry for Princess Mako, but she was deceived and did wrong choice.
She made a mistake.
It seems that there was not enough awareness that she is an older sister
of future Emperor (Prince Hisahito of Akishino).
A grandfather of his mother's side is Korean.
《 It is not discrimination.
The Imperial Family is special.
The Imperial Family is a family of the head of the Shinto(神道).
The Emperor must be Japanese.
In addition, The Emperor must be male.
This is because it performs religious service stably.
However, unfortunately Empress Michiko and Crown Princess Masako may not be Japanese.
The Imperial Family is just before collapse.
This is the limit. 》
As for his mother (Kayo Komuro), there are problems of debt,
plural lovers's affair , emerging religion.
Mother's debt includes his tuition.
Mother's former lover is seeking refunds, but they refused refunding by saying they are gifts.
He might have approached Princess Mako intentionally.
Because they gets huge privilege if he becomes relative with the imperial family.
In the first place the Japanese does not easily approach a Imperial Family member.
Moreover, he applied for marriage to her when he was a college student,
and then he got a job but quit in about a year.
He does not seem to have awareness and a sense of responsibility to make a princess a wife.
If such a scandal becomes apparent, ordinary Japanese will decline marriage from myself.
There must be someone behind this matter, pulling the strings.
Somebody with huge power...