Fordham University School of Law (USA)
It is wrong!
💢 To Fordham University School of Law
Princess Mako is not officially engaged yet.
Therefore Mr. Kei Komuro is not a fiancee.
He and his mother have debt problems, etc.
and the engagement was postponed for two years.(indefinitely?)

He and his mother have debt problems, etc.
and the engagement was postponed for two years.(indefinitely?)

⦅ Vulgarity...😱 ⦆
Due to various circumstances for him, most Japanese people oppose this marriage.
It is for Princess Mako and the Imperial family.
It is for Princess Mako and the Imperial family.
Despite of it, exceptionally it seems that his tuition fee is exempted entirely.
Why is it special treatment for a man who is not a fiancée and just worked as a clerk in a short period at a law firm office?
I can not help feeling the power of darkness working behind the scenes.
⇒ Additional notes (20/7)
It seems that there was a request for correction from the Imperial Household Agency
and it seems that they deleted the word "fiancée" from the homepage.
💢 To BBC
The next matter has nothing to do with the Imperial family,...
The case of "Japan's Secret Shame" program.
The incident that Miss Shiori Ito was raped by Mr. Yamaguchi. (This is only Miss Ito's claim.)
Did Miss Shiori Ito say the truth?
Did you(BBC) check whether Shiori Ito said the truth?
Did you research the facts?
⦅ 👂 She does not seem to be a Japanese....
It seems that her face has changed a lot.... ⦆
It became non-prosecution in Japan.
Did you believe only what she says, and broadcast?
In the first place, she is neither a journalist .
She seems to have worked in the American piano bar.
Is not she nearing him for become a journalist?
Did you believe only what she says, and broadcast?
In the first place, she is neither a journalist .
She seems to have worked in the American piano bar.
Is not she nearing him for become a journalist?
Perhaps he was close to Prime Minister Abe, so he might have been targeted.
There is one easy-to-understand fact.
She is e-mailing Mr. Yamaguchi three days after the incident was said to have occurred.
She is e-mailing Mr. Yamaguchi three days after the incident was said to have occurred.
"Mr. Yamaguchi, Thank you for the hard work. Did you safely returned to Washington? It would be greatly appreciated if you could tell me what kind of response you are considering about VISA."
She seems to make various excuses about this mail, but it is not entirely convincing.
In addition,
BBC cut out some of the remarks of the Japanese women's parliamentarians
who interviewed in this case,
and made a malicious news report.
She has been slandered for the wrong reason.
It is a terrible libel and a human rights violation.
BBC cut out some of the remarks of the Japanese women's parliamentarians
who interviewed in this case,
and made a malicious news report.
She has been slandered for the wrong reason.
It is a terrible libel and a human rights violation.
This women's parliamentarians went to the United Nations
and testified the lies of forced comfort women claimed by South Korea.
Because she is a left wing obstacle, she might have been targeted.
They may have been aimed at eliminating her.
(By the way, there were comfort women.
There were also many Japanese women.
They were in every country, every war.
However, they were not taken forcibly by Japan.
Moreover, they are not sex slaves.
They were not women who were forced to provide sex.
Those who applied for comfort women had worked with high salary.
Hygiene management was also properly done.
The deceived people were deceived by Korean brokers.
There are many evidence in Japan.
But in South Korea there are only testimonies of women who claim to be former comfort women.
The testimony changes often.
The UN supports the ambiguous claim of South Korea and does not accept Japan's claim.
This is that it was defeated in the war.
It is too absurd.)
The lie of "comfort women forcibly taken" began with the fabricating report of the Asahi Shinbun in Japan.
The Asahi shinbun(newspaper) recognized false coverage in 2014.
However, they have not reported anything for overseas, and have recently announced that they are not willing to report in English.
It's a really rotten left wing newspaper.
and testified the lies of forced comfort women claimed by South Korea.
Because she is a left wing obstacle, she might have been targeted.
They may have been aimed at eliminating her.
(By the way, there were comfort women.
There were also many Japanese women.
They were in every country, every war.
However, they were not taken forcibly by Japan.
Moreover, they are not sex slaves.
They were not women who were forced to provide sex.
Those who applied for comfort women had worked with high salary.
Hygiene management was also properly done.
The deceived people were deceived by Korean brokers.
There are many evidence in Japan.
But in South Korea there are only testimonies of women who claim to be former comfort women.
The testimony changes often.
The UN supports the ambiguous claim of South Korea and does not accept Japan's claim.
This is that it was defeated in the war.
It is too absurd.)
The lie of "comfort women forcibly taken" began with the fabricating report of the Asahi Shinbun in Japan.
The Asahi shinbun(newspaper) recognized false coverage in 2014.
However, they have not reported anything for overseas, and have recently announced that they are not willing to report in English.
It's a really rotten left wing newspaper.
「Michael Yon JP」⇩
(There are English sentences under Japanese sentences.)
(on August 27, add.)
The sneakiness of the Asahi Shimbun was revealed again.
The Asahi shimbun wrote an English article that admitted
that "comfort women forcibly taken" was a false article,
but had taken measures to prevent that article from being searched.
And when it was found, it made an excuse that it was not intentional but a mere mistake.
(Moreover, although it was in English, it was posted in Japanese version.)
They are a really sneaky and dirty group.
⦅ noindex、nofollow、noarchive ⦆
⦅ lang="ja ⦆
There are many fake news for Japan.
Are such domineering of other countries against Japan permitted?
Are such domineering of other countries against Japan permitted?
Not only South and North Korea, China, but countries all over the world want to denigrate Japan?
Japan is being eroded by the left wing domestic and overseas.
It is regrettable but I can not convey it well because my English is not good (I'm sorry🙇).
Because my English is not good, those who can not understand the contents,
please refer to the blog below.
Both of them are Americans, but they understand Japan and are stating a true opinion.
These are blogs for Japanese people, but English is also written together.
(It is not about the Imperial family.)
please refer to the blog below.
Both of them are Americans, but they understand Japan and are stating a true opinion.
These are blogs for Japanese people, but English is also written together.
(It is not about the Imperial family.)